Matanuska Electric Association

We are excited to announce that Molly Wolf is running for the MatSu seat in 2020 - details coming soon!

2019 election results: MEA's election culminated with the Annual Meeting in Wassila on April 23rd. We are both pleased and disappointed. Kerry Williams was 385 votes short of winning. It would have been nice if he'd won but he made a very good showing for a first time candidate. 

He plans to run again for the Eagle River seat in 2021. We will be supporting GREEN candidates for other MEA regional seats next year so let us know if you, or anyone you know, are thinking of running.  

Thanks to the 2581 MEA members who voted GREEN and helped spread the word. People power is working!

Let's get ready for 2020! 

Check the MEA service area map below if you're not sure if you're a member.

Voting starts in late March and ends at the MEA annual meeting on April 23rd.  There are four candidates running for the three At-Large vacancies with the MEA Board of Directors.

Kerry Williams is the AKCAN candidate of choice.  He's a founding member of our expert AK100 working group.  Kerry is the mastermind behind the Eklutna Pumped Hydro Energy Storage concept.  He has a clear vision of how to take the Railbelt to 100% Renewable and save ratepayers money in the process.  Check out his candidate profile here.  (Check back for details on other candidates)

You have 3 options for voting:

ONLINE (before 5 pm, April 22nd) via SmartHub (online billing).  The process looks a little complicated so better to vote sooner than later!  If you are not already, enroll in SmartHub HERE.

MAIL-IN (must be received via the post-office by 5 pm on April 22nd).  Look for mail in ballots in your MEA bill in late March.  If you'd like to receive an electronic ballot contact MEA.

Note from the MEA website! Your vote will only be counted if the signature matches the one on your member application. Spouses and domestic partners may not sign for one another unless they have a joint membership.  Only the names listed on business accounts are authorized to vote.

IN PERSON at the Annual Meeting.  Bonus incentive: get $10 off your electricity bill! 

The details:
  1. Bring a photo ID and attend the Annual Meeting on April 23 at the Curtis D. Menard Memorial Sports Center in Wasilla. Curtis D. Menard Center 1001 S. Clapp St. in Wasilla (Directions).  Doors open at 5 p.m. Registration closes at 6 p.m.
  2. During registration, if you have not already submitted a mail-in ballot or voted electronically, you will be given a paper ballot.
Note, the ballot you received in the mail cannot be used to vote at the Annual Meeting. You will be issued a new ballot to vote at the meeting.

Members attending and voting at the Annual Meeting will be able to hear candidate speeches.

Voting will close five minutes after candidate speeches have been completed and election winners will be announced at the end of the meeting.

Go to MEA website instructions on VOTING.

MEA's website

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