Sunday, March 3, 2019

Introducing the Alaska Utility Member Action Campaign

Welcome to the Alaska Utility Member Action Campaign (UMAC), an initiative of the Alaska Climate Action Network (AKCAN!).

Keep reading if you:
  • live in Alaska 
  • pay a monthly electricity bill 
  • want more renewable energy to power your home, business and community
We're here to help utility coop members in Alaska who want more of their electricity to come from low cost, efficient, clean energy sources.

Click on your electric utility coop page above to learn about upcoming March-April-May 2019 elections and how you can take action to move Alaska towards a New Energy Future.

We are just getting started - check back soon!

Concerned About Climate Change? Vote!

2020 update coming soon! Anyone living in Alaska for more than a few years knows that global warming is real. I live in Girdwood and hav...